This week has been a crazy week that many people wouldn’t haven’t experienced in their lifetimes. The Coronavirus has gone to the next level with many countries battening down the hatches in order to prevent this virus from getting worse and worse.
For a more detailed explanation of what exactly we are dealing with here we urge you to click here and read this article to educate yourself on the Coronavirus and the dangers it brings. People have been playing it down comparing it to the flu in recent weeks but after a couple of hectic days everyone has no choice but to take this seriously.
What Will Countrywide Windows Be Doing to Help Prevent Contamination?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection usually occurs through close contact with a person with coronavirus via a cough, sneezes or hand contact. A person can also be infected by touching contaminated surfaces if they do not wash their hands thoroughly.
To help stop contamination Countrywide Windows employees will be washing their hands regularly after each site visit in order to keep themselves clean and healthy and if any member of staff doesn’t feel 100% they will not be attending projects altogether. We will ensure minimal contact is made between clients and ourselves in order to help minimise the chances of contamination.
With sporting events being cancelled for at least the next 3 weeks and other large events around the country being cancelled you can see how serious this situation is getting, so it is vital that you look after yourself and your family at this time taking no unnecessary risks.
If you start to feel unwell even if it doesn’t feel that bad it is vital that you get tested to ensure you don’t pass the virus onto others. The elderly generation is particularly susceptible to this virus due to weaker immune systems and therefore it is extremely important that we protect them.
The team at Countrywide Windows urges everyone to stay safe during this trying and stressful time and wishes everyone who is affected by this virus a speedy recovery.
If you have any questions regarding our prevention strategy please call 01278 420475 or email
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